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1989, Mexiko, based in Taiwan

Lua Rivera is an installation artist born in Mexico. The aim of her artistic practice is to erase the boundaries and at the same time promote a free interaction between different disciplines. She allows her exhibitions to take place and transcend the gallery walls. Lua's works of art are based on processes such as nesting, growth and adaptation of organisms. As a visual artist, she distinguishes herself through her constant search and use of multidisciplinary techniques such as intervention, video, photography and textiles.


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Kontakta OpenArt

Kontakta Örebro kommuns servicecenter

Telefon: 019-21 10 00 

Öppettider: Vardagar kl. 8–16.30

Besöksadress: Näbbtorgsgatan 10

Öppettider: Vardagar kl. 10–16

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