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Abdalla Basher

A large abstract painting is placed on a brick wall. The colors are muted and blurry. One can sense faces and bodies in the multitude of color and shape.

Photo: Sofie Isaksson

In "Uncertainty", Basher addresses the question of the collective state in which humankind finds itself just now – urgent issues such as climate change, migration, epidemics and tensions between cultures across the globe. How do these issues affect our lives and behaviours, and what will our future look like? At a global level, humankind as a species is extremely vulnerable, but also strongly connected. Can the bond we all share be our greatest chance of dispelling our fears and anxieties?

Close-up of an abstract painting, the colors are muted and blurred. One can sense faces and bodies in the multitude of color and shape.

Photo: Sofie Isaksson

Artwork: Uncertainty اللايقين

Artist: Abdalla Basher

Number on the map:

Material: Mural painting

Location: Nygatan 32

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