Photo: Sofie Isaksson
Protected behind the glass, several eyeballs follow our movements in the public space. With their artwork, Front404 aims to highlight our modern surveillance society. They want to arouse a certain necessary and justified paranoia about the fact that we are pretty much always monitored in one way or another in our daily lives. This might be through hidden cameras or through the systems in our phones that map out our movements and habits. The Dutch artist duo Front404 works with interactive installations. Through playful and direct artworks, they want to reach their audiences in unexpected places. Many of their works are characterized by a simplicity in both execution and theme, but which still open up for reflection.
Photo: Sofie Isaksson
Photo: Sofie Isaksson
Artwork: Eyestalkers
Artist: Front404
Number on the map:
Material: Installation
Location: Lindhska bookstore shop window
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