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Alex Rosa, Conny Karlsson Lundgren, A. Karlsson Rixon

Alex Rosa, 1985, Finland, based in Sweden. Conny Karlsson Lundgren, 1974, Sweden. A. Karlsson Rixon, 1962, Sweden.

Alex Rosa photo: Anna Bågefalk. Conny Karlsson Lundgren photo: Mike Karlsson Lundgren. A. Karlsson Rixon photo: Michele Randleston.

Alex Rosa

With a queer approach and based on a non-binary gender identity, they explores sculpture, installation and performance. Alex Rosa works with nature so that people can relate to their inner and outer life through it. A root roll in an installation can bring to mind the human root system and vulnerability. There is an interest in how unwritten rules affect us, how the place we live in and what we are surrounded by shapes us. "I examine aspects of living in our time and play with identities."



Conny Karlsson Lundgren

Conny Karlsson Lundgren (born 1974, Västervik) is based in Stockholm and Hoby Mosse. He works with film, text, image and performance to explore boundaries around social, political and private identities. Karlsson Lundgren has a master's degree from the Valand Academy of Arts in Gothenburg and has exhibited nationally and internationally since then. He is represented in the collections at the Modern Museum and the Gothenburg Museum of Art. In the spring of 2024, he had an solo exhibition at Bonniers Konsthall and has produced Gläntan, Sweden's first LGBTQI+ monument, which was inaugurated in Gothenburg in 2023.



A. Karlsson Rixon

Axel (Annica) Karlsson Rixon (born 1962, Gothenburg) graduated from Nordens Fotoskola in 1988, and was part of the generation that made photography a natural place within art institutions in Sweden in the 90s. They has since been active as an artist with photography as a point of departure, took an MFA at CalArts (1997) and did their PhD in photographic design at the University of Gothenburg (2016). Karlsson Rixon is represented at Moderna Museet, Gothenburg's art museum and other art collections. In recent years, they has mixed their own artistic projects with public design assignments. They shares their life between Brännö and Los Angeles.

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