Harumi Ori
Photo: Sofie Isaksson
Humankind’s place on Earth is manifested in a work in which humans themselves, embroidered as silhouettes, are attached to a fence next to a walkway. These are real people, captured in photographs, as they were moving about in this very place. The artist Ori calls her installation "I am Here @ Örebro, Sweden". In frozen moments of time, she captures every person’s right to exist, take up space and be valued. The public space is there for all of us – and at the same time presupposes that we will interact with each other. Oris’s documentation becomes a tribute to the possibility of moving freely in Örebro. From Michio Mado’s poem I am here, she draws the fundamental values that the existence of being must be protected.
Photo: Sofie Isaksson
Photo: Sofie Isaksson
Photo: Sofie Isaksson
Artwork: I am Here @ Örebro, Sweden
Artist: Harumi Ori
Number on the map:
Material: Scaffolding, mesh fabric
Location: Kanalvägen
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