Elisabetta Consonni
Zeno’s paradoxes are about time, space and motion. In the mid-400s B.C., he analysed how an endless number of small parts can still be brought together into an endlessly large whole. Under the direction of choreographer Consonni, local actors will freely act out Zeno’s paradox on Achilles (the hare) and the tortoise.
The art takes the shape of a performance – a play – at the opening of OPENART and then on three other occasions during the summer. The players are dressed in astronaut-like suits and move – like the tortoise – slowly through the city. They do not allow themselves to be affected by reactions from the rest of us. If they get a big enough lead, the hare will never be able to pass them...
The artwork consists of a solo performance and a group performance.
Artwork: II Zeno's Paradox
Artist: Elisabetta Consonni
Number on the map:
Material: Performance
Location: The area around Örebro castle, Slottsparken & Storbron
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