Cracking Art
Twenty-four wolves have made the park their own. Wolves are both solitary and social animals, says the artist group Cracking Art, who has created this work of art. Wolves are hunters and guides who responsibly protect their packs. Here, we can all get close to animals that are otherwise in the shadows – and the plastic material is durable and can be touched and played with.
Plastic is a characteristic material for Cracking Art – a way to demonstrate the close connection between natural and artificial realities. The word ‘crack’ means to split, break or snap apart. Cracking is also the term used in the chemical process by which crude oil is made into plastic. The moment in which something natural becomes something artificial is central to the artist group’s work.
Artwork: Protect Your Fellows
Artist: Cracking Art
Number on the map:
Material: Plastic
Location: Henry Allards park
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