Atoosa Farahmand & Oscar Hagberg
Atoosa Farahmand, 1991, Iran, based in Sweden
Oscar Hagberg, 1994, Sweden
The artwork Not a Typical Persian Girl takes place in Kulturkvarteret (The Culture Quarter), both on the façade, in the lobby and on the façade of Örebro Concert Hall.
With various expressions, the artists examine the conditions of women in Iran. In the Iranian Revolution of 1979, women’s path to liberation and participation in society was brutally severed – a path which had been gradually opening over the preceding decades. Not only was democracy closed to women, it is now also forbidden for women to ride bicycles and motorcycles, to sing, and to watch football matches in a stadium.
This artwork makes it clear that women’s power, will and humour cannot be stifled. We see women and girls who defy and fight. They fill their lives with protests in a constant struggle for equality and democracy.
Artwork: Not A Typical Persian Girl
Artist: Atoosa Farahmand & Oscar Hagberg
Number on the map:
Material: Video, photography, textile
Location: The Culture Quarter
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