Alex Rosa, 1985, Finland, based in Sweden
Conny Karlsson Lundgren, 1974, Sweden
A. Karlsson Rixon, 1962, Sweden
The group exhibition In the Power of Our Unexpressed or Unrecognized Feelings examines the significance of queer sanctuaries in nature and takes its starting point in the representation of non-binary bodies, identity and artistic creation. The visitor encounters a glade, poetically and scenographically depicted by a crying moon whose tears form a stream, a study of the nude human body, and a travel journal from the south of France by the association Röda Bögar.
In video, photographs, objects and installation, the work presents thoughts, actions and strategies for not renouncing or suppressing experiences and feelings, but instead creating paths to being, caring and healing based on different identity processes in relation to both our own time and historically through the ages.
Through three different artistries, a queer practice based in the countryside, the archipelago and rural areas is presented. Nature is present as a place for freedom, inspiration and diversity that enables a transformative process in which mushrooms, trees and plants provoke a broader discussion about identity, sexuality and gender expression.
Artwork: In the power of our unexpressed or unrecognized feelings
Artist: Alex Rosa, Conny Karlsson Lundgren, A. Karlsson Rixon
Number on the map:
Material: Mixed media
Location: Örebro Art Gallery, Nygatan 7
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